About Me

My parents told me that I was born sometime in the early 70's.

These days I work full time as a graphic designer for a rather large company, though on the side I do everything from website hosting and Java programming to playing guitar and drinking copious amounts of coffee.

In 1995 I entered the work-force with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts, my major being Oil Painting. I also liked to put charcoal to paper and then work on the drawing with water and brush. Theoretically I have a minor in Classical Studies (Greek and Roman culture, civilisation, etc.), but my program didn't allow me to declare a minor... and unfortunately disuse of what I've learned has caused me to forget a great deal about those events and times!

Among my various bits of computer programming, I am most proud of JamochaMUD, an open source MUD/Muck client written in Java.

About this site

This website was created using a combination of hand-coding and an HTML pre-processor called PPWizard.

Using Cascading Style Sheets I have worked to make this site HTML standards compliant so that even though it may not have a perfect layout in all browsers, it should at least be viewable. For my own needs, I prefer Mozilla Firefox.